Friday, August 28, 2009

Things Don't Always Go According to Plan

As my wife laughs at me while I attempt my first blog, I must admit the ridiculousness of it all. I am not tech-savvy, nor am I particularly eloquent or even moderately articulate. I don't have much to say that would be considered profound, but I do have opinions.

I have always seemed to have opinions and, for the most part, they have bordered on convictions. I'm sure I am no different than anyone else, in that I believe my opinions are right or, at least more right than those who oppose me. As a child, this caused much conflict with my brothers and others. I have always been willing to embrace conflict and confrontation to defend my position. I may not have always been more right than my opponent, but I have typically been more adamant. I have a unique ability to wear others down and make them give in.

However, God, in His infinite wisdom, has given me Diane. If you don't know my wife, Diane, you should. God gave me Diane as an obstacle to my arrogance and my "spoiling for a fight" attitude. God has used Diane in my life to teach me that not only am I not always right, but that I don't have to be. Being right isn't the way to win in life, following God is the way to win and Diane has been a major reason why I have learned this.

This is not a sappy, love story with my wife (although it probably should be). This is a love story with God and I pray that it never ends.

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